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Deep-Fried Chile Rellenos with Hook's Rub Tacos Everyday

Deep-Fried Chile Rellenos with Hook's Rub Tacos EverydayAs a poor college kid, I worked for a popular Tex-Mex restaurant near campus in Ft. Worth, TX. I always knew and loved Tex-Mex food, but this place took it to another level as the flavor combinations & dishes were awe-inspiring (think open-fire skillet melted garlic butter...

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Old Arthur’s Bacon Belly Burnt Ends with Hook’s Tacos Everyday Rub

Old Arthur’s Bacon Belly Burnt Ends with Hook’s Tacos Everyday Rub You gotta pay homage to those who came before you and paved the way for today. This is a recipe based off of the Old Arthur’s bbq recipe on page 71 of the “Black Smoke” book by Adrian Miller which has been an eye opening look into the history of African American’s & Native American’s role in the creation of BBQ as we know it today. ⠀

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